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2018-12-15 14:22:07 +08:00
// hook model_thread_start.php
// ------------> 最原生的 CURD无关联其他数据。
function thread__create($arr) {
// hook model_thread__create_start.php
$r = db_insert('thread', $arr);
// hook model_thread__create_end.php
return $r;
function thread__update($tid, $arr) {
// hook model_thread__update_start.php
$r = db_update('thread', array('tid'=>$tid), $arr);
// hook model_thread__update_end.php
return $r;
function thread__read($tid) {
// hook model_thread__read_start.php
$thread = db_find_one('thread', array('tid'=>$tid));
// hook model_thread__read_end.php
return $thread;
function thread__delete($tid) {
// hook model_thread__delete_start.php
$r = db_delete('thread', array('tid'=>$tid));
// hook model_thread__delete_end.php
return $r;
function thread__find($cond = array(), $orderby = array(), $page = 1, $pagesize = 20) {
// hook model_thread__find_start.php
$arrlist = db_find('thread', $cond, $orderby, $page, $pagesize, 'tid', array('tid'));
if(empty($arrlist)) return array();
$tidarr = arrlist_values($arrlist, 'tid');
$threadlist = db_find('thread', array('tid'=>$tidarr), $orderby, 1, $pagesize, 'tid');
// hook model_thread__find_end.php
return $threadlist;
function thread_create($arr, &$pid) {
global $conf, $gid;
$fid = $arr['fid'];
$uid = $arr['uid'];
$subject = $arr['subject'];
$message = $arr['message'];
$time = $arr['time'];
$longip = $arr['longip'];
$doctype = $arr['doctype'];
# 论坛帖子数据,一页显示,不分页。
$post = array(
// hook model_thread_create_start.php
$pid = post__create($post, $gid);
if($pid === FALSE) return FALSE;
// 创建主题
$thread = array (
// hook model_thread__create_before.php
$tid = thread__create($thread);
if($tid === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
// 板块总数+1, 用户发帖+1
// hook model_thread_create_img.php
// 更新统计数据
$uid AND user__update($uid, array('threads+'=>1));
forum__update($fid, array('threads+'=>1, 'todaythreads+'=>1));
// 关联
post__update($pid, array('tid'=>$tid), $tid);
// 我参与的发帖
$uid AND mythread_create($uid, $tid);
// 关联附件
// 全站发帖数
runtime_set('threads+', 1);
runtime_set('todaythreads+', 1);
// 更新板块信息。
// hook model_thread_create_end.php
return $tid;
// 不要在大循环里调用此函数!比较耗费资源。
function thread_update($tid, $arr) {
global $conf;
$thread = thread__read($tid);
// hook model_thread_update_start.php
if(isset($arr['subject']) && $arr['subject'] != $thread['subject']) {
$thread['top'] > 0 AND thread_top_cache_delete();
// 更改 fid, 移动主题,相关资源也需要更新
if(isset($arr['fid']) && $arr['fid'] != $thread['fid']) {
forum__update($arr['fid'], array('threads+'=>1));
forum__update($thread['fid'], array('threads-'=>1));
thread_top_update_by_tid($tid, $arr['fid']);
if(!$arr) return TRUE;
$r = thread__update($tid, $arr);
// hook model_thread_update_end.php
return $r;
// views + 1
function thread_inc_views($tid, $n = 1) {
// hook model_thread_inc_views_start.php
global $conf, $db;
$tablepre = $db->tablepre;
if(!$conf['update_views_on']) return TRUE;
$sqladd = !in_array($conf['cache']['type'], array('mysql', 'pdo_mysql')) ? '' : ' LOW_PRIORITY';
$r = db_exec("UPDATE$sqladd `{$tablepre}thread` SET views=views+$n WHERE tid='$tid'");
// hook model_thread_inc_views_end.php
return $r;
function thread_read($tid) {
// hook model_thread_read_start.php
$thread = thread__read($tid);
// hook model_thread_read_end.php
return $thread;
// 从缓存中读取,避免重复从数据库取数据,主要用来前端显示,可能有延迟。重要业务逻辑不要调用此函数,数据可能不准确,因为并没有清理缓存,针对 request 生命周期有效。
function thread_read_cache($tid) {
// hook model_thread_read_cache_start.php
static $cache = array(); // 用静态变量只能在当前 request 生命周期缓存,要跨进程,可以再加一层缓存: memcached/xcache/apc/
if(isset($cache[$tid])) return $cache[$tid];
$cache[$tid] = thread_read($tid);
// hook model_thread_read_cache_end.php
return $cache[$tid];
// 删除主题
function thread_delete($tid) {
global $conf;
$thread = thread__read($tid);
if(empty($thread)) return TRUE;
$fid = $thread['fid'];
$uid = $thread['uid'];
// hook model_thread_delete_start.php
// 删除所有回帖,同时更新 posts 统计数
$n = post_delete_by_tid($tid);
// 删除我的主题
$uid AND mythread_delete($uid, $tid);
// 清除相关缓存
$r = thread__delete($tid);
if($r === FALSE) return FALSE;
// 更新统计
forum__update($fid, array('threads-'=>1));
user__update($uid, array('threads-'=>1));
// 全站统计
runtime_set('threads-', 1);
// hook model_thread_delete_end.php
return $r;
function thread_find($cond = array(), $orderby = array(), $page = 1, $pagesize = 20) {
// hook model_thread_find_start.php
$threadlist = thread__find($cond, $orderby, $page, $pagesize);
if($threadlist) foreach ($threadlist as &$thread) thread_format($thread);
// hook model_thread_find_end.php
return $threadlist;
// $order: tid/lastpid
// 按照: 发帖时间/最后回复时间 倒序,不包含置顶帖
function thread__find_by_fid($fid, $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $order = 'lastpid') {
global $conf, $forumlist, $runtime;
$forum = $fid ? $forumlist[$fid] : array();
$threads = empty($forum) ? $runtime['threads'] : $forum['threads'];
// hook model__thread_find_by_fid_start.php
$cond = array();
$fid AND $cond['fid'] = $fid;
$desc = TRUE;
$limitpage = 50000; // 如果需要防止 CC 攻击,可以调整为 5000
if($page > 100) {
$totalpage = ceil($threads / $pagesize);
$halfpage = ceil($totalpage / 2);
if($halfpage > $limitpage && $page < ($totalpage - $limitpage)) {
$page = $limitpage;
if($page > $halfpage) {
$page = max(1, $totalpage - $page + 1) ;
$threadlist = thread_find($cond, array($order=>1), $page, $pagesize);
$threadlist = array_reverse($threadlist, TRUE);
$desc = FALSE;
if($desc) {
$orderby = array($order=>-1);
$threadlist = thread_find($cond, $orderby, $page, $pagesize);
// hook model__thread_find_by_fid_end.php
return $threadlist;
// $order: tid/lastpid
// 按照: 发帖时间/最后回复时间 倒序,包含置顶帖
function thread_find_by_fid($fid, $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $order = 'lastpid') {
global $conf, $forumlist, $runtime;
// hook model_thread_find_by_fid_start.php
$threadlist = thread__find_by_fid($fid, $page, $pagesize, $order);
// hook model_thread_find_by_fid_middle.php
// 查找置顶帖
if($order == $conf['order_default'] && $page == 1) {
$toplist3 = thread_top_find(0);
$toplist1 = $fid ? thread_top_find($fid) : array();
$threadlist = $toplist3 + $toplist1 + $threadlist;
// hook model_thread_find_by_fid_end.php
return $threadlist;
// 从多个版块获取列表数据
function thread_find_by_fids($fids, $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $order = 'lastpid', $threads = FALSE) {
// hook model_thread_find_by_fids_start.php
$threadlist = thread_find(array('fid'=>$fids), array($order=>-1), $page, $pagesize);
// hook model_thread_find_by_fids_end.php
return $threadlist;
// 默认搜索标题
function thread_find_by_keyword($keyword) {
// hook model_thread_find_by_keyword_start.php
$threadlist = db_find('thread', array('subject'=>array('LIKE'=>$keyword)), array(), 1, 60);
$threadlist = arrlist_multisort($threadlist, 'tid', FALSE); // 用 PHP 排序mysql 排序消耗太大。
if($threadlist) {
foreach ($threadlist as &$thread) {
$thread['subject'] = post_highlight_keyword($thread['subject'], $keyword);
// hook model_thread_find_by_keyword_end.php
return $threadlist;
function thread_format(&$thread) {
global $conf, $forumlist;
if(empty($thread)) return;
// hook model_thread_format_start.php
$thread['create_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['create_date']);
$thread['last_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['last_date']);
$user = user_read_cache($thread['uid']);
$thread['username'] = $user['username'];
$thread['user_avatar_url'] = $user['avatar_url'];
$thread['user'] = $user;
$forum = isset($forumlist[$thread['fid']]) ? $forumlist[$thread['fid']] : array('name'=>'');
$thread['forumname'] = $forum['name'];
if($thread['last_date'] == $thread['create_date']) {
//$thread['last_date'] = 0;
$thread['last_date_fmt'] = '';
$thread['lastuid'] = 0;
$thread['lastusername'] = '';
} else {
$lastuser = $thread['lastuid'] ? user_read_cache($thread['lastuid']) : array();
$thread['lastusername'] = $thread['lastuid'] ? $lastuser['username'] : lang('guest');
$thread['url'] = "thread-$thread[tid].htm";
$thread['user_url'] = "user-$thread[uid]".($thread['uid'] ? '' : "-$thread[firstpid]").".htm";
$thread['top_class'] = $thread['top'] ? 'top_'.$thread['top'] : '';
$thread['pages'] = ceil($thread['posts'] / $conf['postlist_pagesize']);
// hook model_thread_format_end.php
function thread_format_last_date(&$thread) {
// hook model_thread_format_last_date_start.php
if($thread['last_date'] != $thread['create_date']) {
$thread['last_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['last_date']);
} else {
$thread['create_date_fmt'] = humandate($thread['create_date']);
// hook model_thread_format_last_date_end.php
function thread_count($cond = array()) {
// hook model_thread_count_start.php
$n = db_count('thread', $cond);
// hook model_thread_count_end.php
return $n;
function thread_maxid() {
// hook model_thread_maxid_start.php
$n = db_maxid('thread', 'tid');
// hook model_thread_maxid_end.php
return $n;
function thread_safe_info($thread) {
// hook model_thread_safe_info_start.php
if(!empty($thread['user'])) {
$thread['user'] = user_safe_info($thread['user']);
// hook model_thread_safe_info_end.php
return $thread;
function thread_get_level($n, $levelarr) {
// hook model_thread_get_level_start.php
foreach($levelarr as $k=>$level) {
if($n <= $level) return $k;
// hook model_thread_get_level_end.php
return $k;
// 对 $threadlist 权限过滤
function thread_list_access_filter(&$threadlist, $gid) {
global $conf, $forumlist;
if(empty($threadlist)) return;
// hook model_thread_list_access_filter_start.php
foreach($threadlist as $tid=>$thread) {
if(empty($forumlist[$thread['fid']]['accesson'])) continue;
if($thread['top'] > 0) continue;
if(!forum_access_user($thread['fid'], $gid, 'allowread')) {
// hook model_thread_list_access_filter_end.php
function thread_find_by_tids($tids, $order = array()) {
// hook model_thread_find_by_tids_start.php
//$start = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
//$tids = array_slice($tids, $start, $pagesize);
if(!$tids) return array();
$threadlist = db_find('thread', array('tid'=>$tids), $order, 1, 1000, 'tid');
if($threadlist) foreach($threadlist as &$thread) thread_format($thread);
// hook model_thread_find_by_tids_end.php
return $threadlist;
// 查找 lastpid
function thread_find_lastpid($tid) {
$arr = db_find_one("post", array('tid'=>$tid), array('pid'=>-1), array('pid'));
$lastpid = empty($arr) ? 0 : $arr['pid'];
return $lastpid;
// 更新最后的 uid pid
function thread_update_last($tid) {
$lastpid = thread_find_lastpid($tid);
if(empty($lastpid)) return;
$lastpost = post__read($lastpid);
if(empty($lastpost)) return;
$r = thread__update($tid, array('lastpid'=>$lastpid, 'lastuid'=>$lastpost['uid'], 'last_date'=>$lastpost['create_date']));
return $r;
// hook model_thread_end.php