description: List of selection methods in Neataptic authors: Thomas Wagenaar keywords: genetic-algorithm, fitness, elitism, selection [Selection]( is the way in which a genetic algorithm decides which neural networks will be parents for the new generation. There are a couple of selection methods, however only a few have been integrated until now. At the moment, there are 3 built-in selection methods: Name | ---- | selection.POWER | selection.FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE | selection.TOURNAMENT | _A description on how each of these work is given below_ ### Usage You can specify your selection method while calling the `evolve()` function on a network or when constructing a new instance of the `NEAT` algorithm: ```javascript var myNetwork = new architect.Perceptron(1,1,1); var myTrainingSet = [{ input:[0], output:[1]}, { input:[1], output:[0]}]; myNetwork.evolve(myTrainingSet, { generations: 10, selection: methods.selection.POWER // eg. }); ``` Next to selection methods, `elitism` is also built in the `NEAT` constructor. [Elitism]( allows a genetic algorithm to pass on `n` neural networks with the highest fitness from the previous generation to the new generation, without any crossover steps in between. At the moment, elitism is only possible inside a `Neat` object. They can be passed on as follows: ```javascript var evolution = new Neat({ selection: methods.selection.FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE, elitism: 5 // amount of neural networks to keep from generation to generation }); ``` #### methods.selection.POWER When using this selection method, a random decimal value between 0 and 1 will be generated. E.g. `0.5`, then this value will get an exponential value, the default power is `4`. So `0.5**4 = 0.0625`. This will be converted into an index for the array of the current population, which is sorted from fittest to worst. **Config:** * _methods.selection.POWER.power_ : default is `4`. Increasing this value will increase the chance fitter genomes are chosen. #### methods.selection.FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE This selection method will select genomes with a probability proportionate to their fitness: ![Formula]( Read more about roulette selection [here]( #### methods.selection.TOURNAMENT This selection method will select a group of genomes from the population randomly, sort them by score, and choose the fittest individual with probability `p`, the second fittest with probability `p*(1-p)`, the third fittest with probability `p*((1-p)^2)`and so on. Read more [here]( **Config:** * _methods.selection.TOURNAMENT.size_ : default is `5`. Must always be lower than the population size. A higher value will result in a population that has more equal, but fitter, parents. * _methods.selection.TOURNAMENT.probability_ : default is `0.5`. See the explanation above on how it is implemented.