function Player(genome){ this.x = START_X; this.y = START_Y; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.r = 6; this.brain = genome; this.brain.score = 0; players.push(this); } Player.prototype = { /** Update the stats */ update: function(){ var input = this.detect(); var output = this.brain.activate(input); var moveangle = output[0] * 2 * PI; // Calculate next position = Math.cos(moveangle); this.ay = Math.sin(moveangle); this.vx +=; this.vy += this.ay; // Limit speeds to maximum speed this.vx = this.vx > MAX_SPEED ? MAX_SPEED : this.vx < -MAX_SPEED ? -MAX_SPEED : this.vx; this.vy = this.vy > MAX_SPEED ? MAX_SPEED : this.vy < -MAX_SPEED ? -MAX_SPEED : this.vy; this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; // Limit position to width and height this.x = this.x >= WIDTH ? WIDTH : this.x <= 0 ? 0 : this.x; this.y = this.y >= HEIGHT ? HEIGHT : this.y <= 0 ? 0 : this.y; if(this.x == 0 || this.x == WIDTH) this.vx = -this.vx; if(this.y == 0 || this.y == HEIGHT) this.vy = -this.vy; this.score(); }, /** Calculate fitness of this players genome **/ score: function(){ var dist = distance(this.x, this.y, walker.x, walker.y); if(!isNaN(dist) && dist < SCORE_RADIUS){ this.brain.score += SCORE_RADIUS - dist; } // Replace highest score to visualise highestScore = this.brain.score > highestScore ? this.brain.score : highestScore; }, /** Display the player on the field, parts borrowed from the CodingTrain */ show: function(){ // Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity var angle = angleToPoint(this.x, this.y, this.x + this.vx, this.y + this.vy) + HALF_PI; var color = activationColor(this.brain.score, highestScore); push(); translate(this.x, this.y); rotate(angle); fill(color); beginShape(); vertex(0, -this.r * 2); vertex(-this.r, this.r * 2); vertex(this.r, this.r * 2); endShape(CLOSE); pop(); }, /** Detect and normalize inputs */ detect: function(){ var dist = Math.sqrt(this.x, this.y, walker.x, walker.y) / Math.sqrt(WIDTH**2 + HEIGHT**2); var targetAngle = angleToPoint(this.x, this.y, walker.x, walker.y) / TWO_PI; var vx = (this.vx + MAX_SPEED) / MAX_SPEED; var vy = (this.vy + MAX_SPEED) / MAX_SPEED; var tvx = (walker.vx + MAX_SPEED) / MAX_SPEED; var tvy = (walker.vy + MAX_SPEED) / MAX_SPEED; // NaN checking targetAngle = isNaN(targetAngle) ? 0 : targetAngle; dist = isNaN(dist) ? 0 : dist; return [vx, vy, tvx, tvy, targetAngle, dist]; }, };