import { __commonJS, __esm, __export } from "./chunk-ELXAK55F.js"; // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/activation.js var require_activation = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/activation.js"(exports, module) { var activation = { LOGISTIC: function(x, derivate) { var fx = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)); if (!derivate) return fx; return fx * (1 - fx); }, TANH: function(x, derivate) { if (derivate) return 1 - Math.pow(Math.tanh(x), 2); return Math.tanh(x); }, IDENTITY: function(x, derivate) { return derivate ? 1 : x; }, STEP: function(x, derivate) { return derivate ? 0 : x > 0 ? 1 : 0; }, RELU: function(x, derivate) { if (derivate) return x > 0 ? 1 : 0; return x > 0 ? x : 0; }, SOFTSIGN: function(x, derivate) { var d = 1 + Math.abs(x); if (derivate) return x / Math.pow(d, 2); return x / d; }, SINUSOID: function(x, derivate) { if (derivate) return Math.cos(x); return Math.sin(x); }, GAUSSIAN: function(x, derivate) { var d = Math.exp(-Math.pow(x, 2)); if (derivate) return -2 * x * d; return d; }, BENT_IDENTITY: function(x, derivate) { var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + 1); if (derivate) return x / (2 * d) + 1; return (d - 1) / 2 + x; }, BIPOLAR: function(x, derivate) { return derivate ? 0 : x > 0 ? 1 : -1; }, BIPOLAR_SIGMOID: function(x, derivate) { var d = 2 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)) - 1; if (derivate) return 1 / 2 * (1 + d) * (1 - d); return d; }, HARD_TANH: function(x, derivate) { if (derivate) return x > -1 && x < 1 ? 1 : 0; return Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, x)); }, ABSOLUTE: function(x, derivate) { if (derivate) return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; return Math.abs(x); }, INVERSE: function(x, derivate) { if (derivate) return -1; return 1 - x; }, SELU: function(x, derivate) { var alpha = 1.6732632423543772; var scale = 1.0507009873554805; var fx = x > 0 ? x : alpha * Math.exp(x) - alpha; if (derivate) { return x > 0 ? scale : (fx + alpha) * scale; } return fx * scale; } }; module.exports = activation; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/mutation.js var require_mutation = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/mutation.js"(exports, module) { var activation = require_activation(); var mutation = { ADD_NODE: { name: "ADD_NODE" }, SUB_NODE: { name: "SUB_NODE", keep_gates: true }, ADD_CONN: { name: "ADD_CONN" }, SUB_CONN: { name: "REMOVE_CONN" }, MOD_WEIGHT: { name: "MOD_WEIGHT", min: -1, max: 1 }, MOD_BIAS: { name: "MOD_BIAS", min: -1, max: 1 }, MOD_ACTIVATION: { name: "MOD_ACTIVATION", mutateOutput: true, allowed: [ activation.LOGISTIC, activation.TANH, activation.RELU, activation.IDENTITY, activation.STEP, activation.SOFTSIGN, activation.SINUSOID, activation.GAUSSIAN, activation.BENT_IDENTITY, activation.BIPOLAR, activation.BIPOLAR_SIGMOID, activation.HARD_TANH, activation.ABSOLUTE, activation.INVERSE, activation.SELU ] }, ADD_SELF_CONN: { name: "ADD_SELF_CONN" }, SUB_SELF_CONN: { name: "SUB_SELF_CONN" }, ADD_GATE: { name: "ADD_GATE" }, SUB_GATE: { name: "SUB_GATE" }, ADD_BACK_CONN: { name: "ADD_BACK_CONN" }, SUB_BACK_CONN: { name: "SUB_BACK_CONN" }, SWAP_NODES: { name: "SWAP_NODES", mutateOutput: true } }; mutation.ALL = [ mutation.ADD_NODE, mutation.SUB_NODE, mutation.ADD_CONN, mutation.SUB_CONN, mutation.MOD_WEIGHT, mutation.MOD_BIAS, mutation.MOD_ACTIVATION, mutation.ADD_GATE, mutation.SUB_GATE, mutation.ADD_SELF_CONN, mutation.SUB_SELF_CONN, mutation.ADD_BACK_CONN, mutation.SUB_BACK_CONN, mutation.SWAP_NODES ]; mutation.FFW = [ mutation.ADD_NODE, mutation.SUB_NODE, mutation.ADD_CONN, mutation.SUB_CONN, mutation.MOD_WEIGHT, mutation.MOD_BIAS, mutation.MOD_ACTIVATION, mutation.SWAP_NODES ]; module.exports = mutation; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/selection.js var require_selection = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/selection.js"(exports, module) { var selection = { FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE: { name: "FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE" }, POWER: { name: "POWER", power: 4 }, TOURNAMENT: { name: "TOURNAMENT", size: 5, probability: 0.5 } }; module.exports = selection; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/crossover.js var require_crossover = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/crossover.js"(exports, module) { var crossover = { SINGLE_POINT: { name: "SINGLE_POINT", config: [0.4] }, TWO_POINT: { name: "TWO_POINT", config: [0.4, 0.9] }, UNIFORM: { name: "UNIFORM" }, AVERAGE: { name: "AVERAGE" } }; module.exports = crossover; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/cost.js var require_cost = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/cost.js"(exports, module) { var cost = { CROSS_ENTROPY: function(target, output) { var error = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { error -= target[i] * Math.log(Math.max(output[i], 1e-15)) + (1 - target[i]) * Math.log(1 - Math.max(output[i], 1e-15)); } return error / output.length; }, MSE: function(target, output) { var error = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { error += Math.pow(target[i] - output[i], 2); } return error / output.length; }, BINARY: function(target, output) { var misses = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { misses += Math.round(target[i] * 2) !== Math.round(output[i] * 2); } return misses; }, MAE: function(target, output) { var error = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { error += Math.abs(target[i] - output[i]); } return error / output.length; }, MAPE: function(target, output) { var error = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { error += Math.abs((output[i] - target[i]) / Math.max(target[i], 1e-15)); } return error / output.length; }, MSLE: function(target, output) { var error = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { error += Math.log(Math.max(target[i], 1e-15)) - Math.log(Math.max(output[i], 1e-15)); } return error; }, HINGE: function(target, output) { var error = 0; for (var i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { error += Math.max(0, 1 - target[i] * output[i]); } return error; } }; module.exports = cost; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/gating.js var require_gating = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/gating.js"(exports, module) { var gating = { OUTPUT: { name: "OUTPUT" }, INPUT: { name: "INPUT" }, SELF: { name: "SELF" } }; module.exports = gating; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/connection.js var require_connection = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/connection.js"(exports, module) { var connection = { ALL_TO_ALL: { name: "OUTPUT" }, ALL_TO_ELSE: { name: "INPUT" }, ONE_TO_ONE: { name: "SELF" } }; module.exports = connection; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/rate.js var require_rate = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/rate.js"(exports, module) { var rate = { FIXED: function() { var func = function(baseRate, iteration) { return baseRate; }; return func; }, STEP: function(gamma, stepSize) { gamma = gamma || 0.9; stepSize = stepSize || 100; var func = function(baseRate, iteration) { return baseRate * Math.pow(gamma, Math.floor(iteration / stepSize)); }; return func; }, EXP: function(gamma) { gamma = gamma || 0.999; var func = function(baseRate, iteration) { return baseRate * Math.pow(gamma, iteration); }; return func; }, INV: function(gamma, power) { gamma = gamma || 1e-3; power = power || 2; var func = function(baseRate, iteration) { return baseRate * Math.pow(1 + gamma * iteration, -power); }; return func; } }; module.exports = rate; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/methods.js var require_methods = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/methods/methods.js"(exports, module) { var methods = { activation: require_activation(), mutation: require_mutation(), selection: require_selection(), crossover: require_crossover(), cost: require_cost(), gating: require_gating(), connection: require_connection(), rate: require_rate() }; module.exports = methods; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/connection.js var require_connection2 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/connection.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = Connection; function Connection(from, to, weight) { this.from = from; = to; this.gain = 1; this.weight = typeof weight === "undefined" ? Math.random() * 0.2 - 0.1 : weight; this.gater = null; this.elegibility = 0; this.previousDeltaWeight = 0; this.totalDeltaWeight = 0; this.xtrace = { nodes: [], values: [] }; } Connection.prototype = { toJSON: function() { var json = { weight: this.weight }; return json; } }; Connection.innovationID = function(a, b) { return 1 / 2 * (a + b) * (a + b + 1) + b; }; } }); // browser-external:child_process var child_process_exports = {}; __export(child_process_exports, { default: () => child_process_default }); var child_process_default; var init_child_process = __esm({ "browser-external:child_process"() { child_process_default = new Proxy({}, { get() { throw new Error('Module "child_process" has been externalized for browser compatibility and cannot be accessed in client code.'); } }); } }); // browser-external:path var path_exports = {}; __export(path_exports, { default: () => path_default }); var path_default; var init_path = __esm({ "browser-external:path"() { path_default = new Proxy({}, { get() { throw new Error('Module "path" has been externalized for browser compatibility and cannot be accessed in client code.'); } }); } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/node/testworker.js var require_testworker = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/node/testworker.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = TestWorker; var cp = (init_child_process(), child_process_exports); var path = (init_path(), path_exports); function TestWorker(dataSet, cost) { this.worker = cp.fork(path.join(__dirname, "/worker")); this.worker.send({ set: dataSet, cost: }); } TestWorker.prototype = { evaluate: function(network) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var serialized = network.serialize(); var data = { activations: serialized[0], states: serialized[1], conns: serialized[2] }; var _that = this.worker; this.worker.on("message", function callback(e) { _that.removeListener("message", callback); resolve(e); }); this.worker.send(data); }); }, terminate: function() { this.worker.kill(); } }; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/browser/testworker.js var require_testworker2 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/browser/testworker.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = TestWorker; var multi = require_multi(); function TestWorker(dataSet, cost) { var blob = new Blob([this._createBlobString(cost)]); this.url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); this.worker = new Worker(this.url); var data = { set: new Float64Array(dataSet).buffer }; this.worker.postMessage(data, [data.set]); } TestWorker.prototype = { evaluate: function(network) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var serialized = network.serialize(); var data = { activations: new Float64Array(serialized[0]).buffer, states: new Float64Array(serialized[1]).buffer, conns: new Float64Array(serialized[2]).buffer }; this.worker.onmessage = function(e) { var error = new Float64Array([0]; resolve(error); }; this.worker.postMessage(data, [data.activations, data.states, data.conns]); }); }, terminate: function() { this.worker.terminate(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(this.url); }, _createBlobString: function(cost) { var source = ` var F = [${multi.activations.toString()}]; var cost = ${cost.toString()}; var multi = { deserializeDataSet: ${multi.deserializeDataSet.toString()}, testSerializedSet: ${multi.testSerializedSet.toString()}, activateSerializedNetwork: ${multi.activateSerializedNetwork.toString()} }; this.onmessage = function (e) { if(typeof === 'undefined'){ var A = new Float64Array(; var S = new Float64Array(; var data = new Float64Array(; var error = multi.testSerializedSet(set, cost, A, S, data, F); var answer = { buffer: new Float64Array([error ]).buffer }; postMessage(answer, [answer.buffer]); } else { set = multi.deserializeDataSet(new Float64Array(; } };`; return source; } }; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/workers.js var require_workers = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/workers.js"(exports, module) { var workers = { node: { TestWorker: require_testworker() }, browser: { TestWorker: require_testworker2() } }; module.exports = workers; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/multi.js var require_multi = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/multi.js"(exports, module) { var multi = { workers: require_workers(), serializeDataSet: function(dataSet) { var serialized = [dataSet[0].input.length, dataSet[0].output.length]; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < dataSet.length; i2++) { var j; for (j = 0; j < serialized[0]; j++) { serialized.push(dataSet[i2].input[j]); } for (j = 0; j < serialized[1]; j++) { serialized.push(dataSet[i2].output[j]); } } return serialized; }, activateSerializedNetwork: function(input, A, S, data, F) { for (var i2 = 0; i2 < data[0]; i2++) A[i2] = input[i2]; for (i2 = 2; i2 < data.length; i2++) { let index = data[i2++]; let bias = data[i2++]; let squash = data[i2++]; let selfweight = data[i2++]; let selfgater = data[i2++]; S[index] = (selfgater === -1 ? 1 : A[selfgater]) * selfweight * S[index] + bias; while (data[i2] !== -2) { S[index] += A[data[i2++]] * data[i2++] * (data[i2++] === -1 ? 1 : A[data[i2 - 1]]); } A[index] = F[squash](S[index]); } var output = []; for (i2 = A.length - data[1]; i2 < A.length; i2++) output.push(A[i2]); return output; }, deserializeDataSet: function(serializedSet) { var set = []; var sampleSize = serializedSet[0] + serializedSet[1]; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < (serializedSet.length - 2) / sampleSize; i2++) { let input = []; for (var j = 2 + i2 * sampleSize; j < 2 + i2 * sampleSize + serializedSet[0]; j++) { input.push(serializedSet[j]); } let output = []; for (j = 2 + i2 * sampleSize + serializedSet[0]; j < 2 + i2 * sampleSize + sampleSize; j++) { output.push(serializedSet[j]); } set.push(input); set.push(output); } return set; }, activations: [ function(x) { return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)); }, function(x) { return Math.tanh(x); }, function(x) { return x; }, function(x) { return x > 0 ? 1 : 0; }, function(x) { return x > 0 ? x : 0; }, function(x) { return x / (1 + Math.abs(x)); }, function(x) { return Math.sin(x); }, function(x) { return Math.exp(-Math.pow(x, 2)); }, function(x) { return (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + 1) - 1) / 2 + x; }, function(x) { return x > 0 ? 1 : -1; }, function(x) { return 2 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)) - 1; }, function(x) { return Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, x)); }, function(x) { return Math.abs(x); }, function(x) { return 1 - x; }, function(x) { var a = 1.6732632423543772; return (x > 0 ? x : a * Math.exp(x) - a) * 1.0507009873554805; } ] }; multi.testSerializedSet = function(set, cost, A, S, data, F) { var error = 0; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < set.length; i2 += 2) { let output = multi.activateSerializedNetwork(set[i2], A, S, data, F); error += cost(set[i2 + 1], output); } return error / (set.length / 2); }; for (i in multi) { module.exports[i] = multi[i]; } var i; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/config.js var require_config = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/config.js"(exports, module) { var config = { warnings: false }; module.exports = config; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/neat.js var require_neat = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/neat.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = Neat; var Network = require_network(); var methods = require_methods(); var config = require_config(); var selection = methods.selection; function Neat(input, output, fitness, options) { this.input = input; this.output = output; = fitness; options = options || {}; this.equal = options.equal || false; this.clear = options.clear || false; this.popsize = options.popsize || 50; this.elitism = options.elitism || 0; this.provenance = options.provenance || 0; this.mutationRate = options.mutationRate || 0.3; this.mutationAmount = options.mutationAmount || 1; this.fitnessPopulation = options.fitnessPopulation || false; this.selection = options.selection || methods.selection.POWER; this.crossover = options.crossover || [ methods.crossover.SINGLE_POINT, methods.crossover.TWO_POINT, methods.crossover.UNIFORM, methods.crossover.AVERAGE ]; this.mutation = options.mutation || methods.mutation.FFW; this.template = || false; this.maxNodes = options.maxNodes || Infinity; this.maxConns = options.maxConns || Infinity; this.maxGates = options.maxGates || Infinity; this.selectMutationMethod = typeof options.mutationSelection === "function" ? options.mutationSelection.bind(this) : this.selectMutationMethod; this.generation = 0; this.createPool(this.template); } Neat.prototype = { createPool: function(network) { this.population = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.popsize; i++) { var copy; if (this.template) { copy = Network.fromJSON(network.toJSON()); } else { copy = new Network(this.input, this.output); } copy.score = void 0; this.population.push(copy); } }, evolve: async function() { if (typeof this.population[this.population.length - 1].score === "undefined") { await this.evaluate(); } this.sort(); var fittest = Network.fromJSON(this.population[0].toJSON()); fittest.score = this.population[0].score; var newPopulation = []; var elitists = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.elitism; i++) { elitists.push(this.population[i]); } for (i = 0; i < this.provenance; i++) { newPopulation.push(Network.fromJSON(this.template.toJSON())); } for (i = 0; i < this.popsize - this.elitism - this.provenance; i++) { newPopulation.push(this.getOffspring()); } this.population = newPopulation; this.mutate(); this.population.push(...elitists); for (i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { this.population[i].score = void 0; } this.generation++; return fittest; }, getOffspring: function() { var parent1 = this.getParent(); var parent2 = this.getParent(); return Network.crossOver(parent1, parent2, this.equal); }, selectMutationMethod: function(genome) { var mutationMethod = this.mutation[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.mutation.length)]; if (mutationMethod === methods.mutation.ADD_NODE && genome.nodes.length >= this.maxNodes) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("maxNodes exceeded!"); return; } if (mutationMethod === methods.mutation.ADD_CONN && genome.connections.length >= this.maxConns) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("maxConns exceeded!"); return; } if (mutationMethod === methods.mutation.ADD_GATE && genome.gates.length >= this.maxGates) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("maxGates exceeded!"); return; } return mutationMethod; }, mutate: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { if (Math.random() <= this.mutationRate) { for (var j = 0; j < this.mutationAmount; j++) { var mutationMethod = this.selectMutationMethod(this.population[i]); this.population[i].mutate(mutationMethod); } } } }, evaluate: async function() { var i; if (this.fitnessPopulation) { if (this.clear) { for (i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { this.population[i].clear(); } } await; } else { for (i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { var genome = this.population[i]; if (this.clear) genome.clear(); genome.score = await; } } }, sort: function() { this.population.sort(function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score; }); }, getFittest: function() { if (typeof this.population[this.population.length - 1].score === "undefined") { this.evaluate(); } if (this.population[0].score < this.population[1].score) { this.sort(); } return this.population[0]; }, getAverage: function() { if (typeof this.population[this.population.length - 1].score === "undefined") { this.evaluate(); } var score = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { score += this.population[i].score; } return score / this.population.length; }, getParent: function() { var i; switch (this.selection) { case selection.POWER: if (this.population[0].score < this.population[1].score) this.sort(); var index = Math.floor(Math.pow(Math.random(), this.selection.power) * this.population.length); return this.population[index]; case selection.FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE: var totalFitness = 0; var minimalFitness = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { var score = this.population[i].score; minimalFitness = score < minimalFitness ? score : minimalFitness; totalFitness += score; } minimalFitness = Math.abs(minimalFitness); totalFitness += minimalFitness * this.population.length; var random = Math.random() * totalFitness; var value = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { let genome = this.population[i]; value += genome.score + minimalFitness; if (random < value) return genome; } return this.population[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.population.length)]; case selection.TOURNAMENT: if (this.selection.size > this.popsize) { throw new Error("Your tournament size should be lower than the population size, please change methods.selection.TOURNAMENT.size"); } var individuals = []; for (i = 0; i < this.selection.size; i++) { let random2 = this.population[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.population.length)]; individuals.push(random2); } individuals.sort(function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score; }); for (i = 0; i < this.selection.size; i++) { if (Math.random() < this.selection.probability || i === this.selection.size - 1) { return individuals[i]; } } } }, export: function() { var json = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) { var genome = this.population[i]; json.push(genome.toJSON()); } return json; }, import: function(json) { var population = []; for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { var genome = json[i]; population.push(Network.fromJSON(genome)); } this.population = population; this.popsize = population.length; } }; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/node.js var require_node = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/node.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = Node; var methods = require_methods(); var Connection = require_connection2(); var config = require_config(); function Node(type) { this.bias = type === "input" ? 0 : Math.random() * 0.2 - 0.1; this.squash = methods.activation.LOGISTIC; this.type = type || "hidden"; this.activation = 0; this.state = 0; this.old = 0; this.mask = 1; this.previousDeltaBias = 0; this.totalDeltaBias = 0; this.connections = { in: [], out: [], gated: [], self: new Connection(this, this, 0) }; this.error = { responsibility: 0, projected: 0, gated: 0 }; } Node.prototype = { activate: function(input) { if (typeof input !== "undefined") { this.activation = input; return this.activation; } this.old = this.state; this.state = this.connections.self.gain * this.connections.self.weight * this.state + this.bias; var i; for (i = 0; i <; i++) { var connection =[i]; this.state += connection.from.activation * connection.weight * connection.gain; } this.activation = this.squash(this.state) * this.mask; this.derivative = this.squash(this.state, true); var nodes = []; var influences = []; for (i = 0; i < this.connections.gated.length; i++) { let conn = this.connections.gated[i]; let node =; let index = nodes.indexOf(node); if (index > -1) { influences[index] += conn.weight * conn.from.activation; } else { nodes.push(node); influences.push(conn.weight * conn.from.activation + (node.connections.self.gater === this ? node.old : 0)); } conn.gain = this.activation; } for (i = 0; i <; i++) { let connection2 =[i]; connection2.elegibility = this.connections.self.gain * this.connections.self.weight * connection2.elegibility + connection2.from.activation * connection2.gain; for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { let node = nodes[j]; let influence = influences[j]; let index = connection2.xtrace.nodes.indexOf(node); if (index > -1) { connection2.xtrace.values[index] = node.connections.self.gain * node.connections.self.weight * connection2.xtrace.values[index] + this.derivative * connection2.elegibility * influence; } else { connection2.xtrace.nodes.push(node); connection2.xtrace.values.push(this.derivative * connection2.elegibility * influence); } } } return this.activation; }, noTraceActivate: function(input) { if (typeof input !== "undefined") { this.activation = input; return this.activation; } this.state = this.connections.self.gain * this.connections.self.weight * this.state + this.bias; var i; for (i = 0; i <; i++) { var connection =[i]; this.state += connection.from.activation * connection.weight * connection.gain; } this.activation = this.squash(this.state); for (i = 0; i < this.connections.gated.length; i++) { this.connections.gated[i].gain = this.activation; } return this.activation; }, propagate: function(rate, momentum, update, target) { momentum = momentum || 0; rate = rate || 0.3; var error = 0; if (this.type === "output") { this.error.responsibility = this.error.projected = target - this.activation; } else { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.connections.out.length; i++) { let connection = this.connections.out[i]; let node =; error += node.error.responsibility * connection.weight * connection.gain; } this.error.projected = this.derivative * error; error = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.connections.gated.length; i++) { let conn = this.connections.gated[i]; let node =; let influence = node.connections.self.gater === this ? node.old : 0; influence += conn.weight * conn.from.activation; error += node.error.responsibility * influence; } this.error.gated = this.derivative * error; this.error.responsibility = this.error.projected + this.error.gated; } if (this.type === "constant") return; for (i = 0; i <; i++) { let connection =[i]; let gradient = this.error.projected * connection.elegibility; for (var j = 0; j < connection.xtrace.nodes.length; j++) { let node = connection.xtrace.nodes[j]; let value = connection.xtrace.values[j]; gradient += node.error.responsibility * value; } let deltaWeight = rate * gradient * this.mask; connection.totalDeltaWeight += deltaWeight; if (update) { connection.totalDeltaWeight += momentum * connection.previousDeltaWeight; connection.weight += connection.totalDeltaWeight; connection.previousDeltaWeight = connection.totalDeltaWeight; connection.totalDeltaWeight = 0; } } var deltaBias = rate * this.error.responsibility; this.totalDeltaBias += deltaBias; if (update) { this.totalDeltaBias += momentum * this.previousDeltaBias; this.bias += this.totalDeltaBias; this.previousDeltaBias = this.totalDeltaBias; this.totalDeltaBias = 0; } }, connect: function(target, weight) { var connections = []; if (typeof target.bias !== "undefined") { if (target === this) { if (this.connections.self.weight !== 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("This connection already exists!"); } else { this.connections.self.weight = weight || 1; } connections.push(this.connections.self); } else if (this.isProjectingTo(target)) { throw new Error("Already projecting a connection to this node!"); } else { let connection = new Connection(this, target, weight);; this.connections.out.push(connection); connections.push(connection); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < target.nodes.length; i++) { let connection = new Connection(this, target.nodes[i], weight); target.nodes[i]; this.connections.out.push(connection);; connections.push(connection); } } return connections; }, disconnect: function(node, twosided) { if (this === node) { this.connections.self.weight = 0; return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.out.length; i++) { let conn = this.connections.out[i]; if ( === node) { this.connections.out.splice(i, 1); let j =;, 1); if (conn.gater !== null) conn.gater.ungate(conn); break; } } if (twosided) { node.disconnect(this); } }, gate: function(connections) { if (!Array.isArray(connections)) { connections = [connections]; } for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { var connection = connections[i]; this.connections.gated.push(connection); connection.gater = this; } }, ungate: function(connections) { if (!Array.isArray(connections)) { connections = [connections]; } for (var i = connections.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var connection = connections[i]; var index = this.connections.gated.indexOf(connection); this.connections.gated.splice(index, 1); connection.gater = null; connection.gain = 1; } }, clear: function() { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var connection =[i]; connection.elegibility = 0; connection.xtrace = { nodes: [], values: [] }; } for (i = 0; i < this.connections.gated.length; i++) { let conn = this.connections.gated[i]; conn.gain = 0; } this.error.responsibility = this.error.projected = this.error.gated = 0; this.old = this.state = this.activation = 0; }, mutate: function(method) { if (typeof method === "undefined") { throw new Error("No mutate method given!"); } else if (!( in methods.mutation)) { throw new Error("This method does not exist!"); } switch (method) { case methods.mutation.MOD_ACTIVATION: var squash = method.allowed[(method.allowed.indexOf(this.squash) + Math.floor(Math.random() * (method.allowed.length - 1)) + 1) % method.allowed.length]; this.squash = squash; break; case methods.mutation.MOD_BIAS: var modification = Math.random() * (method.max - method.min) + method.min; this.bias += modification; break; } }, isProjectingTo: function(node) { if (node === this && this.connections.self.weight !== 0) return true; for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.out.length; i++) { var conn = this.connections.out[i]; if ( === node) { return true; } } return false; }, isProjectedBy: function(node) { if (node === this && this.connections.self.weight !== 0) return true; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var conn =[i]; if (conn.from === node) { return true; } } return false; }, toJSON: function() { var json = { bias: this.bias, type: this.type, squash:, mask: this.mask }; return json; } }; Node.fromJSON = function(json) { var node = new Node(); node.bias = json.bias; node.type = json.type; node.mask = json.mask; node.squash = methods.activation[json.squash]; return node; }; } }); // browser-external:os var os_exports = {}; __export(os_exports, { default: () => os_default }); var os_default; var init_os = __esm({ "browser-external:os"() { os_default = new Proxy({}, { get() { throw new Error('Module "os" has been externalized for browser compatibility and cannot be accessed in client code.'); } }); } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/network.js var require_network = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/network.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = Network; var multi = require_multi(); var methods = require_methods(); var Connection = require_connection2(); var config = require_config(); var Neat = require_neat(); var Node = require_node(); var mutation = methods.mutation; function Network(input, output) { if (typeof input === "undefined" || typeof output === "undefined") { throw new Error("No input or output size given"); } this.input = input; this.output = output; this.nodes = []; this.connections = []; this.gates = []; this.selfconns = []; this.dropout = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.input + this.output; i++) { var type = i < this.input ? "input" : "output"; this.nodes.push(new Node(type)); } for (i = 0; i < this.input; i++) { for (var j = this.input; j < this.output + this.input; j++) { var weight = Math.random() * this.input * Math.sqrt(2 / this.input); this.connect(this.nodes[i], this.nodes[j], weight); } } } Network.prototype = { activate: function(input, training) { var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { if (this.nodes[i].type === "input") { this.nodes[i].activate(input[i]); } else if (this.nodes[i].type === "output") { var activation = this.nodes[i].activate(); output.push(activation); } else { if (training) this.nodes[i].mask = Math.random() < this.dropout ? 0 : 1; this.nodes[i].activate(); } } return output; }, noTraceActivate: function(input) { var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { if (this.nodes[i].type === "input") { this.nodes[i].noTraceActivate(input[i]); } else if (this.nodes[i].type === "output") { var activation = this.nodes[i].noTraceActivate(); output.push(activation); } else { this.nodes[i].noTraceActivate(); } } return output; }, propagate: function(rate, momentum, update, target) { if (typeof target === "undefined" || target.length !== this.output) { throw new Error("Output target length should match network output length"); } var targetIndex = target.length; var i; for (i = this.nodes.length - 1; i >= this.nodes.length - this.output; i--) { this.nodes[i].propagate(rate, momentum, update, target[--targetIndex]); } for (i = this.nodes.length - this.output - 1; i >= this.input; i--) { this.nodes[i].propagate(rate, momentum, update); } }, clear: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].clear(); } }, connect: function(from, to, weight) { var connections = from.connect(to, weight); for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { var connection = connections[i]; if (from !== to) { this.connections.push(connection); } else { this.selfconns.push(connection); } } return connections; }, disconnect: function(from, to) { var connections = from === to ? this.selfconns : this.connections; for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { var connection = connections[i]; if (connection.from === from && === to) { if (connection.gater !== null) this.ungate(connection); connections.splice(i, 1); break; } } from.disconnect(to); }, gate: function(node, connection) { if (this.nodes.indexOf(node) === -1) { throw new Error("This node is not part of the network!"); } else if (connection.gater != null) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("This connection is already gated!"); return; } node.gate(connection); this.gates.push(connection); }, ungate: function(connection) { var index = this.gates.indexOf(connection); if (index === -1) { throw new Error("This connection is not gated!"); } this.gates.splice(index, 1); connection.gater.ungate(connection); }, remove: function(node) { var index = this.nodes.indexOf(node); if (index === -1) { throw new Error("This node does not exist in the network!"); } var gaters = []; this.disconnect(node, node); var inputs = []; for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let connection =[i]; if (mutation.SUB_NODE.keep_gates && connection.gater !== null && connection.gater !== node) { gaters.push(connection.gater); } inputs.push(connection.from); this.disconnect(connection.from, node); } var outputs = []; for (i = node.connections.out.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let connection = node.connections.out[i]; if (mutation.SUB_NODE.keep_gates && connection.gater !== null && connection.gater !== node) { gaters.push(connection.gater); } outputs.push(; this.disconnect(node,; } var connections = []; for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { let input = inputs[i]; for (var j = 0; j < outputs.length; j++) { let output = outputs[j]; if (!input.isProjectingTo(output)) { var conn = this.connect(input, output); connections.push(conn[0]); } } } for (i = 0; i < gaters.length; i++) { if (connections.length === 0) break; let gater = gaters[i]; let connIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * connections.length); this.gate(gater, connections[connIndex]); connections.splice(connIndex, 1); } for (i = node.connections.gated.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let conn2 = node.connections.gated[i]; this.ungate(conn2); } this.disconnect(node, node); this.nodes.splice(index, 1); }, mutate: function(method) { if (typeof method === "undefined") { throw new Error("No (correct) mutate method given!"); } var i, j; switch (method) { case mutation.ADD_NODE: var connection = this.connections[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.connections.length)]; var gater = connection.gater; this.disconnect(connection.from,; var toIndex = this.nodes.indexOf(; var node = new Node("hidden"); node.mutate(mutation.MOD_ACTIVATION); var minBound = Math.min(toIndex, this.nodes.length - this.output); this.nodes.splice(minBound, 0, node); var newConn1 = this.connect(connection.from, node)[0]; var newConn2 = this.connect(node,[0]; if (gater != null) { this.gate(gater, Math.random() >= 0.5 ? newConn1 : newConn2); } break; case mutation.SUB_NODE: if (this.nodes.length === this.input + this.output) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more nodes left to remove!"); break; } var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.nodes.length - this.output - this.input) + this.input); this.remove(this.nodes[index]); break; case mutation.ADD_CONN: var available = []; for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length - this.output; i++) { let node12 = this.nodes[i]; for (j = Math.max(i + 1, this.input); j < this.nodes.length; j++) { let node22 = this.nodes[j]; if (!node12.isProjectingTo(node22)) available.push([node12, node22]); } } if (available.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more connections to be made!"); break; } var pair = available[Math.floor(Math.random() * available.length)]; this.connect(pair[0], pair[1]); break; case mutation.SUB_CONN: var possible = []; for (i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { let conn2 = this.connections[i]; if (conn2.from.connections.out.length > 1 && > 1 && this.nodes.indexOf( > this.nodes.indexOf(conn2.from)) { possible.push(conn2); } } if (possible.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No connections to remove!"); break; } var randomConn = possible[Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)]; this.disconnect(randomConn.from,; break; case mutation.MOD_WEIGHT: var allconnections = this.connections.concat(this.selfconns); var connection = allconnections[Math.floor(Math.random() * allconnections.length)]; var modification = Math.random() * (method.max - method.min) + method.min; connection.weight += modification; break; case mutation.MOD_BIAS: var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.nodes.length - this.input) + this.input); var node = this.nodes[index]; node.mutate(method); break; case mutation.MOD_ACTIVATION: if (!method.mutateOutput && this.input + this.output === this.nodes.length) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No nodes that allow mutation of activation function"); break; } var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.nodes.length - (method.mutateOutput ? 0 : this.output) - this.input) + this.input); var node = this.nodes[index]; node.mutate(method); break; case mutation.ADD_SELF_CONN: var possible = []; for (i = this.input; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let node3 = this.nodes[i]; if (node3.connections.self.weight === 0) { possible.push(node3); } } if (possible.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more self-connections to add!"); break; } var node = possible[Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)]; this.connect(node, node); break; case mutation.SUB_SELF_CONN: if (this.selfconns.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more self-connections to remove!"); break; } var conn = this.selfconns[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.selfconns.length)]; this.disconnect(conn.from,; break; case mutation.ADD_GATE: var allconnections = this.connections.concat(this.selfconns); var possible = []; for (i = 0; i < allconnections.length; i++) { let conn2 = allconnections[i]; if (conn2.gater === null) { possible.push(conn2); } } if (possible.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more connections to gate!"); break; } var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.nodes.length - this.input) + this.input); var node = this.nodes[index]; var conn = possible[Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)]; this.gate(node, conn); break; case mutation.SUB_GATE: if (this.gates.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more connections to ungate!"); break; } var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.gates.length); var gatedconn = this.gates[index]; this.ungate(gatedconn); break; case mutation.ADD_BACK_CONN: var available = []; for (i = this.input; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let node12 = this.nodes[i]; for (j = this.input; j < i; j++) { let node22 = this.nodes[j]; if (!node12.isProjectingTo(node22)) available.push([node12, node22]); } } if (available.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No more connections to be made!"); break; } var pair = available[Math.floor(Math.random() * available.length)]; this.connect(pair[0], pair[1]); break; case mutation.SUB_BACK_CONN: var possible = []; for (i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { let conn2 = this.connections[i]; if (conn2.from.connections.out.length > 1 && > 1 && this.nodes.indexOf(conn2.from) > this.nodes.indexOf( { possible.push(conn2); } } if (possible.length === 0) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No connections to remove!"); break; } var randomConn = possible[Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)]; this.disconnect(randomConn.from,; break; case mutation.SWAP_NODES: if (method.mutateOutput && this.nodes.length - this.input < 2 || !method.mutateOutput && this.nodes.length - this.input - this.output < 2) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No nodes that allow swapping of bias and activation function"); break; } var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.nodes.length - (method.mutateOutput ? 0 : this.output) - this.input) + this.input); var node1 = this.nodes[index]; index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.nodes.length - (method.mutateOutput ? 0 : this.output) - this.input) + this.input); var node2 = this.nodes[index]; var biasTemp = node1.bias; var squashTemp = node1.squash; node1.bias = node2.bias; node1.squash = node2.squash; node2.bias = biasTemp; node2.squash = squashTemp; break; } }, train: function(set, options) { if (set[0].input.length !== this.input || set[0].output.length !== this.output) { throw new Error("Dataset input/output size should be same as network input/output size!"); } options = options || {}; if (typeof options.rate === "undefined") { if (config.warnings) console.warn("Using default learning rate, please define a rate!"); } if (typeof options.iterations === "undefined") { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No target iterations given, running until error is reached!"); } var targetError = options.error || 0.05; var cost = options.cost || methods.cost.MSE; var baseRate = options.rate || 0.3; var dropout = options.dropout || 0; var momentum = options.momentum || 0; var batchSize = options.batchSize || 1; var ratePolicy = options.ratePolicy || methods.rate.FIXED(); var start =; if (batchSize > set.length) { throw new Error("Batch size must be smaller or equal to dataset length!"); } else if (typeof options.iterations === "undefined" && typeof options.error === "undefined") { throw new Error("At least one of the following options must be specified: error, iterations"); } else if (typeof options.error === "undefined") { targetError = -1; } else if (typeof options.iterations === "undefined") { options.iterations = 0; } this.dropout = dropout; if (options.crossValidate) { let numTrain = Math.ceil((1 - options.crossValidate.testSize) * set.length); var trainSet = set.slice(0, numTrain); var testSet = set.slice(numTrain); } var currentRate = baseRate; var iteration = 0; var error = 1; var i, j, x; while (error > targetError && (options.iterations === 0 || iteration < options.iterations)) { if (options.crossValidate && error <= options.crossValidate.testError) break; iteration++; currentRate = ratePolicy(baseRate, iteration); if (options.crossValidate) { this._trainSet(trainSet, batchSize, currentRate, momentum, cost); if (options.clear) this.clear(); error = this.test(testSet, cost).error; if (options.clear) this.clear(); } else { error = this._trainSet(set, batchSize, currentRate, momentum, cost); if (options.clear) this.clear(); } if (options.shuffle) { for (j, x, i = set.length; i; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i), x = set[--i], set[i] = set[j], set[j] = x) ; } if (options.log && iteration % options.log === 0) { console.log("iteration", iteration, "error", error, "rate", currentRate); } if (options.schedule && iteration % options.schedule.iterations === 0) { options.schedule.function({ error, iteration }); } } if (options.clear) this.clear(); if (dropout) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { if (this.nodes[i].type === "hidden" || this.nodes[i].type === "constant") { this.nodes[i].mask = 1 - this.dropout; } } } return { error, iterations: iteration, time: - start }; }, _trainSet: function(set, batchSize, currentRate, momentum, costFunction) { var errorSum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { var input = set[i].input; var target = set[i].output; var update = !!((i + 1) % batchSize === 0 || i + 1 === set.length); var output = this.activate(input, true); this.propagate(currentRate, momentum, update, target); errorSum += costFunction(target, output); } return errorSum / set.length; }, test: function(set, cost = methods.cost.MSE) { var i; if (this.dropout) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { if (this.nodes[i].type === "hidden" || this.nodes[i].type === "constant") { this.nodes[i].mask = 1 - this.dropout; } } } var error = 0; var start =; for (i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { let input = set[i].input; let target = set[i].output; let output = this.noTraceActivate(input); error += cost(target, output); } error /= set.length; var results = { error, time: - start }; return results; }, graph: function(width, height) { var input = 0; var output = 0; var json = { nodes: [], links: [], constraints: [{ type: "alignment", axis: "x", offsets: [] }, { type: "alignment", axis: "y", offsets: [] }] }; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { var node = this.nodes[i]; if (node.type === "input") { if (this.input === 1) { json.constraints[0].offsets.push({ node: i, offset: 0 }); } else { json.constraints[0].offsets.push({ node: i, offset: 0.8 * width / (this.input - 1) * input++ }); } json.constraints[1].offsets.push({ node: i, offset: 0 }); } else if (node.type === "output") { if (this.output === 1) { json.constraints[0].offsets.push({ node: i, offset: 0 }); } else { json.constraints[0].offsets.push({ node: i, offset: 0.8 * width / (this.output - 1) * output++ }); } json.constraints[1].offsets.push({ node: i, offset: -0.8 * height }); } json.nodes.push({ id: i, name: node.type === "hidden" ? : node.type.toUpperCase(), activation: node.activation, bias: node.bias }); } var connections = this.connections.concat(this.selfconns); for (i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { var connection = connections[i]; if (connection.gater == null) { json.links.push({ source: this.nodes.indexOf(connection.from), target: this.nodes.indexOf(, weight: connection.weight }); } else { var index = json.nodes.length; json.nodes.push({ id: index, activation: connection.gater.activation, name: "GATE" }); json.links.push({ source: this.nodes.indexOf(connection.from), target: index, weight: 1 / 2 * connection.weight }); json.links.push({ source: index, target: this.nodes.indexOf(, weight: 1 / 2 * connection.weight }); json.links.push({ source: this.nodes.indexOf(connection.gater), target: index, weight: connection.gater.activation, gate: true }); } } return json; }, toJSON: function() { var json = { nodes: [], connections: [], input: this.input, output: this.output, dropout: this.dropout }; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].index = i; } for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let node = this.nodes[i]; let tojson = node.toJSON(); tojson.index = i; json.nodes.push(tojson); if (node.connections.self.weight !== 0) { let tojson2 = node.connections.self.toJSON(); tojson2.from = i; = i; tojson2.gater = node.connections.self.gater != null ? node.connections.self.gater.index : null; json.connections.push(tojson2); } } for (i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { let conn = this.connections[i]; let tojson = conn.toJSON(); tojson.from = conn.from.index; =; tojson.gater = conn.gater != null ? conn.gater.index : null; json.connections.push(tojson); } return json; }, set: function(values) { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].bias = values.bias || this.nodes[i].bias; this.nodes[i].squash = values.squash || this.nodes[i].squash; } }, evolve: async function(set, options) { if (set[0].input.length !== this.input || set[0].output.length !== this.output) { throw new Error("Dataset input/output size should be same as network input/output size!"); } options = options || {}; var targetError = typeof options.error !== "undefined" ? options.error : 0.05; var growth = typeof options.growth !== "undefined" ? options.growth : 1e-4; var cost = options.cost || methods.cost.MSE; var amount = options.amount || 1; var threads = options.threads; if (typeof threads === "undefined") { if (typeof window === "undefined") { threads = (init_os(), os_exports).cpus().length; } else { threads = navigator.hardwareConcurrency; } } var start =; if (typeof options.iterations === "undefined" && typeof options.error === "undefined") { throw new Error("At least one of the following options must be specified: error, iterations"); } else if (typeof options.error === "undefined") { targetError = -1; } else if (typeof options.iterations === "undefined") { options.iterations = 0; } var fitnessFunction; if (threads === 1) { fitnessFunction = function(genome) { var score = 0; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < amount; i2++) { score -= genome.test(set, cost).error; } score -= (genome.nodes.length - genome.input - genome.output + genome.connections.length + genome.gates.length) * growth; score = isNaN(score) ? -Infinity : score; return score / amount; }; } else { var converted = multi.serializeDataSet(set); var workers = []; if (typeof window === "undefined") { for (var i = 0; i < threads; i++) { workers.push(new multi.workers.node.TestWorker(converted, cost)); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < threads; i++) { workers.push(new multi.workers.browser.TestWorker(converted, cost)); } } fitnessFunction = function(population) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var queue = population.slice(); var done = 0; var startWorker = function(worker) { if (!queue.length) { if (++done === threads) resolve(); return; } var genome = queue.shift(); worker.evaluate(genome).then(function(result) { genome.score = -result; genome.score -= (genome.nodes.length - genome.input - genome.output + genome.connections.length + genome.gates.length) * growth; genome.score = isNaN(parseFloat(result)) ? -Infinity : genome.score; startWorker(worker); }); }; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < workers.length; i2++) { startWorker(workers[i2]); } }); }; options.fitnessPopulation = true; } = this; var neat = new Neat(this.input, this.output, fitnessFunction, options); var error = -Infinity; var bestFitness = -Infinity; var bestGenome; while (error < -targetError && (options.iterations === 0 || neat.generation < options.iterations)) { let fittest = await neat.evolve(); let fitness = fittest.score; error = fitness + (fittest.nodes.length - fittest.input - fittest.output + fittest.connections.length + fittest.gates.length) * growth; if (fitness > bestFitness) { bestFitness = fitness; bestGenome = fittest; } if (options.log && neat.generation % options.log === 0) { console.log("iteration", neat.generation, "fitness", fitness, "error", -error); } if (options.schedule && neat.generation % options.schedule.iterations === 0) { options.schedule.function({ fitness, error: -error, iteration: neat.generation }); } } if (threads > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) workers[i].terminate(); } if (typeof bestGenome !== "undefined") { this.nodes = bestGenome.nodes; this.connections = bestGenome.connections; this.selfconns = bestGenome.selfconns; this.gates = bestGenome.gates; if (options.clear) this.clear(); } return { error: -error, iterations: neat.generation, time: - start }; }, standalone: function() { var present = []; var activations = []; var states = []; var lines = []; var functions = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.input; i++) { var node = this.nodes[i]; activations.push(node.activation); states.push(node.state); } lines.push("for(var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) A[i] = input[i];"); for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].index = i; } for (i = this.input; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let node2 = this.nodes[i]; activations.push(node2.activation); states.push(node2.state); var functionIndex = present.indexOf(; if (functionIndex === -1) { functionIndex = present.length; present.push(; functions.push(node2.squash.toString()); } var incoming = []; for (var j = 0; j <; j++) { var conn =[j]; var computation = `A[${conn.from.index}] * ${conn.weight}`; if (conn.gater != null) { computation += ` * A[${conn.gater.index}]`; } incoming.push(computation); } if (node2.connections.self.weight) { let conn2 = node2.connections.self; let computation2 = `S[${i}] * ${conn2.weight}`; if (conn2.gater != null) { computation2 += ` * A[${conn2.gater.index}]`; } incoming.push(computation2); } var line1 = `S[${i}] = ${incoming.join(" + ")} + ${node2.bias};`; var line2 = `A[${i}] = F[${functionIndex}](S[${i}])${!node2.mask ? " * " + node2.mask : ""};`; lines.push(line1); lines.push(line2); } var output = []; for (i = this.nodes.length - this.output; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { output.push(`A[${i}]`); } output = `return [${output.join(",")}];`; lines.push(output); var total = ""; total += `var F = [${functions.toString()}];\r `; total += `var A = [${activations.toString()}];\r `; total += `var S = [${states.toString()}];\r `; total += `function activate(input){\r ${lines.join("\r\n")}\r }`; return total; }, serialize: function() { var activations = []; var states = []; var conns = []; var squashes = [ "LOGISTIC", "TANH", "IDENTITY", "STEP", "RELU", "SOFTSIGN", "SINUSOID", "GAUSSIAN", "BENT_IDENTITY", "BIPOLAR", "BIPOLAR_SIGMOID", "HARD_TANH", "ABSOLUTE", "INVERSE", "SELU" ]; conns.push(this.input); conns.push(this.output); var i; for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let node = this.nodes[i]; node.index = i; activations.push(node.activation); states.push(node.state); } for (i = this.input; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let node = this.nodes[i]; conns.push(node.index); conns.push(node.bias); conns.push(squashes.indexOf(; conns.push(node.connections.self.weight); conns.push(node.connections.self.gater == null ? -1 : node.connections.self.gater.index); for (var j = 0; j <; j++) { let conn =[j]; conns.push(conn.from.index); conns.push(conn.weight); conns.push(conn.gater == null ? -1 : conn.gater.index); } conns.push(-2); } return [activations, states, conns]; } }; Network.fromJSON = function(json) { var network = new Network(json.input, json.output); network.dropout = json.dropout; network.nodes = []; network.connections = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < json.nodes.length; i++) { network.nodes.push(Node.fromJSON(json.nodes[i])); } for (i = 0; i < json.connections.length; i++) { var conn = json.connections[i]; var connection = network.connect(network.nodes[conn.from], network.nodes[])[0]; connection.weight = conn.weight; if (conn.gater != null) { network.gate(network.nodes[conn.gater], connection); } } return network; }; Network.merge = function(network1, network2) { network1 = Network.fromJSON(network1.toJSON()); network2 = Network.fromJSON(network2.toJSON()); if (network1.output !== network2.input) { throw new Error("Output size of network1 should be the same as the input size of network2!"); } var i; for (i = 0; i < network2.connections.length; i++) { let conn = network2.connections[i]; if (conn.from.type === "input") { let index = network2.nodes.indexOf(conn.from); conn.from = network1.nodes[network1.nodes.length - 1 - index]; } } for (i = network2.input - 1; i >= 0; i--) { network2.nodes.splice(i, 1); } for (i = network1.nodes.length - network1.output; i < network1.nodes.length; i++) { network1.nodes[i].type = "hidden"; } network1.connections = network1.connections.concat(network2.connections); network1.nodes = network1.nodes.concat(network2.nodes); return network1; }; Network.crossOver = function(network1, network2, equal) { if (network1.input !== network2.input || network1.output !== network2.output) { throw new Error("Networks don't have the same input/output size!"); } var offspring = new Network(network1.input, network1.output); offspring.connections = []; offspring.nodes = []; var score1 = network1.score || 0; var score2 = network2.score || 0; var size; if (equal || score1 === score2) { let max = Math.max(network1.nodes.length, network2.nodes.length); let min = Math.min(network1.nodes.length, network2.nodes.length); size = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } else if (score1 > score2) { size = network1.nodes.length; } else { size = network2.nodes.length; } var outputSize = network1.output; var i; for (i = 0; i < network1.nodes.length; i++) { network1.nodes[i].index = i; } for (i = 0; i < network2.nodes.length; i++) { network2.nodes[i].index = i; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { var node; if (i < size - outputSize) { let random = Math.random(); node = random >= 0.5 ? network1.nodes[i] : network2.nodes[i]; let other = random < 0.5 ? network1.nodes[i] : network2.nodes[i]; if (typeof node === "undefined" || node.type === "output") { node = other; } } else { if (Math.random() >= 0.5) { node = network1.nodes[network1.nodes.length + i - size]; } else { node = network2.nodes[network2.nodes.length + i - size]; } } var newNode = new Node(); newNode.bias = node.bias; newNode.squash = node.squash; newNode.type = node.type; offspring.nodes.push(newNode); } var n1conns = {}; var n2conns = {}; for (i = 0; i < network1.connections.length; i++) { let conn = network1.connections[i]; let data = { weight: conn.weight, from: conn.from.index, to:, gater: conn.gater != null ? conn.gater.index : -1 }; n1conns[Connection.innovationID(data.from,] = data; } for (i = 0; i < network1.selfconns.length; i++) { let conn = network1.selfconns[i]; let data = { weight: conn.weight, from: conn.from.index, to:, gater: conn.gater != null ? conn.gater.index : -1 }; n1conns[Connection.innovationID(data.from,] = data; } for (i = 0; i < network2.connections.length; i++) { let conn = network2.connections[i]; let data = { weight: conn.weight, from: conn.from.index, to:, gater: conn.gater != null ? conn.gater.index : -1 }; n2conns[Connection.innovationID(data.from,] = data; } for (i = 0; i < network2.selfconns.length; i++) { let conn = network2.selfconns[i]; let data = { weight: conn.weight, from: conn.from.index, to:, gater: conn.gater != null ? conn.gater.index : -1 }; n2conns[Connection.innovationID(data.from,] = data; } var connections = []; var keys1 = Object.keys(n1conns); var keys2 = Object.keys(n2conns); for (i = keys1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (typeof n2conns[keys1[i]] !== "undefined") { let conn = Math.random() >= 0.5 ? n1conns[keys1[i]] : n2conns[keys1[i]]; connections.push(conn); n2conns[keys1[i]] = void 0; } else if (score1 >= score2 || equal) { connections.push(n1conns[keys1[i]]); } } if (score2 >= score1 || equal) { for (i = 0; i < keys2.length; i++) { if (typeof n2conns[keys2[i]] !== "undefined") { connections.push(n2conns[keys2[i]]); } } } for (i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { let connData = connections[i]; if ( < size && connData.from < size) { let from = offspring.nodes[connData.from]; let to = offspring.nodes[]; let conn = offspring.connect(from, to)[0]; conn.weight = connData.weight; if (connData.gater !== -1 && connData.gater < size) { offspring.gate(offspring.nodes[connData.gater], conn); } } } return offspring; }; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/layer.js var require_layer = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/layer.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = Layer; var methods = require_methods(); var Group = require_group(); var Node = require_node(); function Layer() { this.output = null; this.nodes = []; this.connections = { in: [], out: [], self: [] }; } Layer.prototype = { activate: function(value) { var values = []; if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value.length !== this.nodes.length) { throw new Error("Array with values should be same as the amount of nodes!"); } for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { var activation; if (typeof value === "undefined") { activation = this.nodes[i].activate(); } else { activation = this.nodes[i].activate(value[i]); } values.push(activation); } return values; }, propagate: function(rate, momentum, target) { if (typeof target !== "undefined" && target.length !== this.nodes.length) { throw new Error("Array with values should be same as the amount of nodes!"); } for (var i = this.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (typeof target === "undefined") { this.nodes[i].propagate(rate, momentum, true); } else { this.nodes[i].propagate(rate, momentum, true, target[i]); } } }, connect: function(target, method, weight) { var connections; if (target instanceof Group || target instanceof Node) { connections = this.output.connect(target, method, weight); } else if (target instanceof Layer) { connections = target.input(this, method, weight); } return connections; }, gate: function(connections, method) { this.output.gate(connections, method); }, set: function(values) { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { var node = this.nodes[i]; if (node instanceof Node) { if (typeof values.bias !== "undefined") { node.bias = values.bias; } node.squash = values.squash || node.squash; node.type = values.type || node.type; } else if (node instanceof Group) { node.set(values); } } }, disconnect: function(target, twosided) { twosided = twosided || false; var i, j, k; if (target instanceof Group) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < target.nodes.length; j++) { this.nodes[i].disconnect(target.nodes[j], twosided); for (k = this.connections.out.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { let conn = this.connections.out[k]; if (conn.from === this.nodes[i] && === target.nodes[j]) { this.connections.out.splice(k, 1); break; } } if (twosided) { for (k = - 1; k >= 0; k--) { let conn =[k]; if (conn.from === target.nodes[j] && === this.nodes[i]) {, 1); break; } } } } } } else if (target instanceof Node) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].disconnect(target, twosided); for (j = this.connections.out.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { let conn = this.connections.out[j]; if (conn.from === this.nodes[i] && === target) { this.connections.out.splice(j, 1); break; } } if (twosided) { for (k = - 1; k >= 0; k--) { let conn =[k]; if (conn.from === target && === this.nodes[i]) {, 1); break; } } } } } }, clear: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].clear(); } } }; Layer.Dense = function(size) { var layer = new Layer(); var block = new Group(size); layer.nodes.push(block); layer.output = block; layer.input = function(from, method, weight) { if (from instanceof Layer) from = from.output; method = method || methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL; return from.connect(block, method, weight); }; return layer; }; Layer.LSTM = function(size) { var layer = new Layer(); var inputGate = new Group(size); var forgetGate = new Group(size); var memoryCell = new Group(size); var outputGate = new Group(size); var outputBlock = new Group(size); inputGate.set({ bias: 1 }); forgetGate.set({ bias: 1 }); outputGate.set({ bias: 1 }); memoryCell.connect(inputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); memoryCell.connect(forgetGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); memoryCell.connect(outputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); var forget = memoryCell.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE); var output = memoryCell.connect(outputBlock, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); forgetGate.gate(forget, methods.gating.SELF); outputGate.gate(output, methods.gating.OUTPUT); layer.nodes = [inputGate, forgetGate, memoryCell, outputGate, outputBlock]; layer.output = outputBlock; layer.input = function(from, method, weight) { if (from instanceof Layer) from = from.output; method = method || methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL; var connections = []; var input = from.connect(memoryCell, method, weight); connections = connections.concat(input); connections = connections.concat(from.connect(inputGate, method, weight)); connections = connections.concat(from.connect(outputGate, method, weight)); connections = connections.concat(from.connect(forgetGate, method, weight)); inputGate.gate(input, methods.gating.INPUT); return connections; }; return layer; }; Layer.GRU = function(size) { var layer = new Layer(); var updateGate = new Group(size); var inverseUpdateGate = new Group(size); var resetGate = new Group(size); var memoryCell = new Group(size); var output = new Group(size); var previousOutput = new Group(size); previousOutput.set({ bias: 0, squash: methods.activation.IDENTITY, type: "constant" }); memoryCell.set({ squash: methods.activation.TANH }); inverseUpdateGate.set({ bias: 0, squash: methods.activation.INVERSE, type: "constant" }); updateGate.set({ bias: 1 }); resetGate.set({ bias: 0 }); previousOutput.connect(updateGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); updateGate.connect(inverseUpdateGate, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE, 1); previousOutput.connect(resetGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); var reset = previousOutput.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); resetGate.gate(reset, methods.gating.OUTPUT); var update1 = previousOutput.connect(output, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); var update2 = memoryCell.connect(output, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); updateGate.gate(update1, methods.gating.OUTPUT); inverseUpdateGate.gate(update2, methods.gating.OUTPUT); output.connect(previousOutput, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE, 1); layer.nodes = [updateGate, inverseUpdateGate, resetGate, memoryCell, output, previousOutput]; layer.output = output; layer.input = function(from, method, weight) { if (from instanceof Layer) from = from.output; method = method || methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL; var connections = []; connections = connections.concat(from.connect(updateGate, method, weight)); connections = connections.concat(from.connect(resetGate, method, weight)); connections = connections.concat(from.connect(memoryCell, method, weight)); return connections; }; return layer; }; Layer.Memory = function(size, memory) { var layer = new Layer(); var previous = null; var i; for (i = 0; i < memory; i++) { var block = new Group(size); block.set({ squash: methods.activation.IDENTITY, bias: 0, type: "constant" }); if (previous != null) { previous.connect(block, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE, 1); } layer.nodes.push(block); previous = block; } layer.nodes.reverse(); for (i = 0; i < layer.nodes.length; i++) { layer.nodes[i].nodes.reverse(); } var outputGroup = new Group(0); for (var group in layer.nodes) { outputGroup.nodes = outputGroup.nodes.concat(layer.nodes[group].nodes); } layer.output = outputGroup; layer.input = function(from, method, weight) { if (from instanceof Layer) from = from.output; method = method || methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL; if (from.nodes.length !== layer.nodes[layer.nodes.length - 1].nodes.length) { throw new Error("Previous layer size must be same as memory size"); } return from.connect(layer.nodes[layer.nodes.length - 1], methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE, 1); }; return layer; }; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/group.js var require_group = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/group.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = Group; var methods = require_methods(); var config = require_config(); var Layer = require_layer(); var Node = require_node(); function Group(size) { this.nodes = []; this.connections = { in: [], out: [], self: [] }; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.nodes.push(new Node()); } } Group.prototype = { activate: function(value) { var values = []; if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value.length !== this.nodes.length) { throw new Error("Array with values should be same as the amount of nodes!"); } for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { var activation; if (typeof value === "undefined") { activation = this.nodes[i].activate(); } else { activation = this.nodes[i].activate(value[i]); } values.push(activation); } return values; }, propagate: function(rate, momentum, target) { if (typeof target !== "undefined" && target.length !== this.nodes.length) { throw new Error("Array with values should be same as the amount of nodes!"); } for (var i = this.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (typeof target === "undefined") { this.nodes[i].propagate(rate, momentum, true); } else { this.nodes[i].propagate(rate, momentum, true, target[i]); } } }, connect: function(target, method, weight) { var connections = []; var i, j; if (target instanceof Group) { if (typeof method === "undefined") { if (this !== target) { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No group connection specified, using ALL_TO_ALL"); method = methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL; } else { if (config.warnings) console.warn("No group connection specified, using ONE_TO_ONE"); method = methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE; } } if (method === methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL || method === methods.connection.ALL_TO_ELSE) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < target.nodes.length; j++) { if (method === methods.connection.ALL_TO_ELSE && this.nodes[i] === target.nodes[j]) continue; let connection = this.nodes[i].connect(target.nodes[j], weight); this.connections.out.push(connection[0]);[0]); connections.push(connection[0]); } } } else if (method === methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE) { if (this.nodes.length !== target.nodes.length) { throw new Error("From and To group must be the same size!"); } for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let connection = this.nodes[i].connect(target.nodes[i], weight); this.connections.self.push(connection[0]); connections.push(connection[0]); } } } else if (target instanceof Layer) { connections = target.input(this, method, weight); } else if (target instanceof Node) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { let connection = this.nodes[i].connect(target, weight); this.connections.out.push(connection[0]); connections.push(connection[0]); } } return connections; }, gate: function(connections, method) { if (typeof method === "undefined") { throw new Error("Please specify Gating.INPUT, Gating.OUTPUT"); } if (!Array.isArray(connections)) { connections = [connections]; } var nodes1 = []; var nodes2 = []; var i, j; for (i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { var connection = connections[i]; if (!nodes1.includes(connection.from)) nodes1.push(connection.from); if (!nodes2.includes( nodes2.push(; } switch (method) { case methods.gating.INPUT: for (i = 0; i < nodes2.length; i++) { let node = nodes2[i]; let gater = this.nodes[i % this.nodes.length]; for (j = 0; j <; j++) { let conn =[j]; if (connections.includes(conn)) { gater.gate(conn); } } } break; case methods.gating.OUTPUT: for (i = 0; i < nodes1.length; i++) { let node = nodes1[i]; let gater = this.nodes[i % this.nodes.length]; for (j = 0; j < node.connections.out.length; j++) { let conn = node.connections.out[j]; if (connections.includes(conn)) { gater.gate(conn); } } } break; case methods.gating.SELF: for (i = 0; i < nodes1.length; i++) { let node = nodes1[i]; let gater = this.nodes[i % this.nodes.length]; if (connections.includes(node.connections.self)) { gater.gate(node.connections.self); } } } }, set: function(values) { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { if (typeof values.bias !== "undefined") { this.nodes[i].bias = values.bias; } this.nodes[i].squash = values.squash || this.nodes[i].squash; this.nodes[i].type = values.type || this.nodes[i].type; } }, disconnect: function(target, twosided) { twosided = twosided || false; var i, j, k; if (target instanceof Group) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < target.nodes.length; j++) { this.nodes[i].disconnect(target.nodes[j], twosided); for (k = this.connections.out.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { let conn2 = this.connections.out[k]; if (conn2.from === this.nodes[i] && === target.nodes[j]) { this.connections.out.splice(k, 1); break; } } if (twosided) { for (k = - 1; k >= 0; k--) { let conn2 =[k]; if (conn2.from === target.nodes[j] && === this.nodes[i]) {, 1); break; } } } } } } else if (target instanceof Node) { for (i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].disconnect(target, twosided); for (j = this.connections.out.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { let conn2 = this.connections.out[j]; if (conn2.from === this.nodes[i] && === target) { this.connections.out.splice(j, 1); break; } } if (twosided) { for (j = - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var conn =[j]; if (conn.from === target && === this.nodes[i]) {, 1); break; } } } } } }, clear: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { this.nodes[i].clear(); } } }; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/architect.js var require_architect = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/architecture/architect.js"(exports, module) { var methods = require_methods(); var Network = require_network(); var Group = require_group(); var Layer = require_layer(); var Node = require_node(); var architect = { Construct: function(list) { var network = new Network(0, 0); var nodes = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let j; if (list[i] instanceof Group) { for (j = 0; j < list[i].nodes.length; j++) { nodes.push(list[i].nodes[j]); } } else if (list[i] instanceof Layer) { for (j = 0; j < list[i].nodes.length; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < list[i].nodes[j].nodes.length; k++) { nodes.push(list[i].nodes[j].nodes[k]); } } } else if (list[i] instanceof Node) { nodes.push(list[i]); } } var inputs = []; var outputs = []; for (i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (nodes[i].type === "output" || nodes[i].connections.out.length + nodes[i].connections.gated.length === 0) { nodes[i].type = "output"; network.output++; outputs.push(nodes[i]); nodes.splice(i, 1); } else if (nodes[i].type === "input" || !nodes[i] { nodes[i].type = "input"; network.input++; inputs.push(nodes[i]); nodes.splice(i, 1); } } nodes = inputs.concat(nodes).concat(outputs); if (network.input === 0 || network.output === 0) { throw new Error("Given nodes have no clear input/output node!"); } for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let j; for (j = 0; j < nodes[i].connections.out.length; j++) { network.connections.push(nodes[i].connections.out[j]); } for (j = 0; j < nodes[i].connections.gated.length; j++) { network.gates.push(nodes[i].connections.gated[j]); } if (nodes[i].connections.self.weight !== 0) { network.selfconns.push(nodes[i].connections.self); } } network.nodes = nodes; return network; }, Perceptron: function() { var layers =; if (layers.length < 3) { throw new Error("You have to specify at least 3 layers"); } var nodes = []; nodes.push(new Group(layers[0])); for (var i = 1; i < layers.length; i++) { var layer = layers[i]; layer = new Group(layer); nodes.push(layer); nodes[i - 1].connect(nodes[i], methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); } return architect.Construct(nodes); }, Random: function(input, hidden, output, options) { options = options || {}; var connections = options.connections || hidden * 2; var backconnections = options.backconnections || 0; var selfconnections = options.selfconnections || 0; var gates = options.gates || 0; var network = new Network(input, output); var i; for (i = 0; i < hidden; i++) { network.mutate(methods.mutation.ADD_NODE); } for (i = 0; i < connections - hidden; i++) { network.mutate(methods.mutation.ADD_CONN); } for (i = 0; i < backconnections; i++) { network.mutate(methods.mutation.ADD_BACK_CONN); } for (i = 0; i < selfconnections; i++) { network.mutate(methods.mutation.ADD_SELF_CONN); } for (i = 0; i < gates; i++) { network.mutate(methods.mutation.ADD_GATE); } return network; }, LSTM: function() { var args =; if (args.length < 3) { throw new Error("You have to specify at least 3 layers"); } var last = args.pop(); var outputLayer; if (typeof last === "number") { outputLayer = new Group(last); last = {}; } else { outputLayer = new Group(args.pop()); } outputLayer.set({ type: "output" }); var options = {}; options.memoryToMemory = last.memoryToMemory || false; options.outputToMemory = last.outputToMemory || false; options.outputToGates = last.outputToGates || false; options.inputToOutput = last.inputToOutput === void 0 ? true : last.inputToOutput; options.inputToDeep = last.inputToDeep === void 0 ? true : last.inputToDeep; var inputLayer = new Group(args.shift()); inputLayer.set({ type: "input" }); var blocks = args; var nodes = []; nodes.push(inputLayer); var previous = inputLayer; for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { var block = blocks[i]; var inputGate = new Group(block); var forgetGate = new Group(block); var memoryCell = new Group(block); var outputGate = new Group(block); var outputBlock = i === blocks.length - 1 ? outputLayer : new Group(block); inputGate.set({ bias: 1 }); forgetGate.set({ bias: 1 }); outputGate.set({ bias: 1 }); var input = previous.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); previous.connect(inputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); previous.connect(outputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); previous.connect(forgetGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); memoryCell.connect(inputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); memoryCell.connect(forgetGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); memoryCell.connect(outputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); var forget = memoryCell.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE); var output = memoryCell.connect(outputBlock, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); inputGate.gate(input, methods.gating.INPUT); forgetGate.gate(forget, methods.gating.SELF); outputGate.gate(output, methods.gating.OUTPUT); if (options.inputToDeep && i > 0) { let input2 = inputLayer.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); inputGate.gate(input2, methods.gating.INPUT); } if (options.memoryToMemory) { let input2 = memoryCell.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ELSE); inputGate.gate(input2, methods.gating.INPUT); } if (options.outputToMemory) { let input2 = outputLayer.connect(memoryCell, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); inputGate.gate(input2, methods.gating.INPUT); } if (options.outputToGates) { outputLayer.connect(inputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); outputLayer.connect(forgetGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); outputLayer.connect(outputGate, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); } nodes.push(inputGate); nodes.push(forgetGate); nodes.push(memoryCell); nodes.push(outputGate); if (i !== blocks.length - 1) nodes.push(outputBlock); previous = outputBlock; } if (options.inputToOutput) { inputLayer.connect(outputLayer, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); } nodes.push(outputLayer); return architect.Construct(nodes); }, GRU: function() { var args =; if (args.length < 3) { throw new Error("not enough layers (minimum 3) !!"); } var inputLayer = new Group(args.shift()); var outputLayer = new Group(args.pop()); var blocks = args; var nodes = []; nodes.push(inputLayer); var previous = inputLayer; for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { var layer = new Layer.GRU(blocks[i]); previous.connect(layer); previous = layer; nodes.push(layer); } previous.connect(outputLayer); nodes.push(outputLayer); return architect.Construct(nodes); }, Hopfield: function(size) { var input = new Group(size); var output = new Group(size); input.connect(output, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); input.set({ type: "input" }); output.set({ squash: methods.activation.STEP, type: "output" }); var network = new architect.Construct([input, output]); return network; }, NARX: function(inputSize, hiddenLayers, outputSize, previousInput, previousOutput) { if (!Array.isArray(hiddenLayers)) { hiddenLayers = [hiddenLayers]; } var nodes = []; var input = new Layer.Dense(inputSize); var inputMemory = new Layer.Memory(inputSize, previousInput); var hidden = []; var output = new Layer.Dense(outputSize); var outputMemory = new Layer.Memory(outputSize, previousOutput); nodes.push(input); nodes.push(outputMemory); for (var i = 0; i < hiddenLayers.length; i++) { var hiddenLayer = new Layer.Dense(hiddenLayers[i]); hidden.push(hiddenLayer); nodes.push(hiddenLayer); if (typeof hidden[i - 1] !== "undefined") { hidden[i - 1].connect(hiddenLayer, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); } } nodes.push(inputMemory); nodes.push(output); input.connect(hidden[0], methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); input.connect(inputMemory, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE, 1); inputMemory.connect(hidden[0], methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); hidden[hidden.length - 1].connect(output, methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); output.connect(outputMemory, methods.connection.ONE_TO_ONE, 1); outputMemory.connect(hidden[0], methods.connection.ALL_TO_ALL); input.set({ type: "input" }); output.set({ type: "output" }); return architect.Construct(nodes); } }; module.exports = architect; } }); // node_modules/neataptic/src/neataptic.js var require_neataptic = __commonJS({ "node_modules/neataptic/src/neataptic.js"(exports, module) { var Neataptic = { methods: require_methods(), Connection: require_connection2(), architect: require_architect(), Network: require_network(), config: require_config(), Group: require_group(), Layer: require_layer(), Node: require_node(), Neat: require_neat(), multi: require_multi() }; if (typeof define !== "undefined" && define.amd) { define([], function() { return Neataptic; }); } if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = Neataptic; } if (typeof window === "object") { (function() { var old = window["neataptic"]; = function() { window["neataptic"] = old; return Neataptic; }; })(); window["neataptic"] = Neataptic; } } }); // dep:neataptic var neataptic_default = require_neataptic(); export { neataptic_default as default }; //#