62 lines
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62 lines
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"fes": {
"autoplay": "The media that tried to play (with '{{src}}') wasn't allowed to by this browser, most likely due to the browser's autoplay policy. Check out {{link}} for more information about why.",
"checkUserDefinedFns": "It seems that you may have accidentally written {{name}} instead of {{actualName}}.\n\nPlease correct it if it's not intentional.",
"fileLoadError": {
"bytes": "It looks like there was a problem loading your file. {{suggestion}}",
"font": "It looks like there was a problem loading your font. {{suggestion}}",
"gif": "There was some trouble loading your GIF. Make sure that your GIF is using 87a or 89a encoding.",
"image": "It looks like there was a problem loading your image. {{suggestion}}",
"json": "It looks like there was a problem loading your JSON file. {{suggestion}}",
"large": "If your large file isn't fetched successfully, we recommend splitting the file into smaller segments and fetching those.",
"strings": "It looks like there was a problem loading your text file. {{suggestion}}",
"suggestion": "Try checking if the file path ({{filePath}}) is correct, hosting the file online, or running a local server. (More info at {{link}})",
"table": "It looks like there was a problem loading your table file. {{suggestion}}",
"xml": "It looks like there was a problem loading your XML file. {{suggestion}}"
"friendlyParamError": {
"type_EMPTY_VAR": "{{func}}() was expecting {{formatType}} for the {{position}} parameter, received an empty variable instead. {{location}}\n\nIf not intentional, this is often a problem with scope: {{link}}",
"type_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS": "{{func}}() was expecting at least {{minParams}} arguments, but received only {{argCount}}. {{location}}",
"type_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS": "{{func}}() was expecting no more than {{maxParams}} arguments, but received {{argCount}}. {{location}}",
"type_WRONG_TYPE": "{{func}}() was expecting {{formatType}} for the {{position}} parameter, received {{argType}} instead. {{location}}"
"globalErrors": {
"reference": {
"notDefined": "There's an error due to \"{{symbol}}\" not being defined in the current scope {{location}}.\n\nIf you have defined it in your code, you should check its scope, spelling, and letter-casing (JavaScript is case-sensitive). For more:\n{{url1}}\n{{url2}}"
"stackSubseq": "▶️ Called from line {{line}} in \"{{func}}\" in {{file}} ({{location}})\n\n",
"stackTop": "▶️ Error at line {{line}} in \"{{func}}\" in {{file}} ({{location}})\n\n",
"syntax": {
"invalidToken": "There's a syntax error due to a symbol that JavaScript doesn't recognize or didn't expect at its place.\nFor more: {{url}}",
"unexpectedToken": "There's a syntax error due to a symbol that wasn't expected at its place.\nUsually this is due to a typo. Check the line number in the error below for anything missing/extra.\nFor more: {{url}}"
"type": {
"notfunc": "There's an error as \"{{symbol}}\" could not be called as a function {{location}}.\nCheck the spelling, letter-casing (JavaScript is case-sensitive) and its type.\nFor more: {{url}}",
"notfuncObj": "There's an error as \"{{symbol}}\" could not be called as a function {{location}}.\nVerify whether \"{{obj}}\" has \"{{symbol}}\" in it and check the spelling, letter-casing (JavaScript is case-sensitive) and its type.\nFor more: {{url}}"
"libraryError": "An error with message \"{{error}}\" occured inside the p5js library when {{func}} was called {{location}}\n\nIf not stated otherwise, it might be an issue with the arguments passed to {{func}}.",
"location": "(on line {{line}} in {{file}} [{{location}}])",
"misspelling": "It seems that you may have accidentally written \"{{name}}\" instead of \"{{actualName}}\" {{location}}.\n\nPlease correct it to {{actualName}} if you wish to use the {{type}} from p5.js",
"misspelling_plural": "It seems that you may have accidentally written \"{{name}}\" {{location}}.\n\nYou may have meant one of the following:\n{{suggestions}}",
"misusedTopLevel": "Did you just try to use p5.js's {{symbolName}} {{symbolType}}? If so, you may want to move it into your sketch's setup() function.\n\nFor more details, see: {{link}}",
"positions": {
"p_1": "first",
"p_10": "tenth",
"p_11": "eleventh",
"p_12": "twelfth",
"p_2": "second",
"p_3": "third",
"p_4": "fourth",
"p_5": "fifth",
"p_6": "sixth",
"p_7": "seventh",
"p_8": "eighth",
"p_9": "ninth"
"pre": "\n🌸 p5.js says: {{message}}",
"welcome": "Welcome! This is your friendly debugger. To turn me off, switch to using p5.min.js.",
"wrongPreload": "An error with message \"{{error}}\" occured inside the p5js library when \"{{func}}\" was called {{location}}.\n\nIf not stated otherwise, it might be due to \"{{func}}\" being called from preload. Nothing besides load calls (loadImage, loadJSON, loadFont, loadStrings, etc.) should be inside the preload function."