
This commit is contained in:
2023-10-04 11:07:30 +08:00
parent 7a85ccf08d
commit eb8cc132f9
1 changed files with 18 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -161,27 +161,30 @@ export default class MusicList {
console.log('播放器加载分片:', item.name, `${index}/${chunkNumber}`)
const 播放状态 = !this.audio.paused && this.playing === item
const 加载状态 = item.arrayBufferChunks.length < chunkNumber
const 播放进度 = this.audio.currentTime / this.audio.duration
const 加载进度 = index / chunkNumber
//const 播放进度 = this.audio.currentTime / this.audio.duration
//const 加载进度 = index / chunkNumber
const 结束时间 = sourceBuffer.buffered.length && sourceBuffer.buffered.end(0)
const 缓冲时间 = 结束时间 - this.audio.currentTime
//console.log({ 播放状态, 加载状态, 播放进度, 加载进度, 缓冲时间 })
if (!播放状态 && !加载状态) break // 播放停止且加载完毕则退出
if (缓冲时间 > 60) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000)) // 缓冲超过60秒则等待30秒
if (播放进度 - 加载进度 > 0.5) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) // 播放进度超过加载进度0.5则等待1秒
if (sourceBuffer.updating) {
//if (播放进度 - 加载进度 > 0.5) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) // 播放进度超过加载进度0.5则等待1秒
if (缓冲时间 > 60) { // 缓冲超过60秒则等待30秒
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000))
if (sourceBuffer.updating) { // sourceBuffer正在更新则等待更新结束
await new Promise(resolve => sourceBuffer.addEventListener('updateend', resolve))
} else {
while (item.arrayBufferChunks.length <= index) {
if (item.arrayBufferChunks.length <= index) { // 分片数量不足则等待
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100))
if (this.audio.paused || this.playing !== item) break // 播放停止或已经切歌则退出
const chunk = item.arrayBufferChunks[index] // 顺序取出一个arrayBuffer分片
if (this.audio.paused || this.playing !== item) break // 播放停止或已经切歌则退出
sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(chunk) // 添加到sourceBuffer
item.arrayBufferChunks = null // 加载完毕释放分片内存