
This commit is contained in:
2023-09-28 23:57:16 +08:00
parent 383f1bd70e
commit abb289bbd5
1 changed files with 0 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ export default class ClientList {
add(item) {
id: item.id,
innerText: item.name ?? item.id,
@ -80,23 +79,6 @@ export default class ClientList {
chidren: []
//// 与对方建立连接(即使不传输数据)
//const webrtc = new RTCPeerConnection()
//const channel = webrtc.createDataChannel('music')
//channel.onopen = event => {
// console.log('clientlist music: channel.onopen')
// channel.send('hello')
//channel.onmessage = event => {
// console.log('clientlist music: channel.onmessage', event.data)
//// 监听 ICE 候选事件
//webrtc.onicecandidate = event => {
// if (event.candidate) {
// console.log('clientlist onicecandidate', event.candidate)
// // 发送给对方(通过服务器)
// }
remove(item) {
this.clientlist = this.clientlist.filter(client => client.id !== item.id)